Professor & Director (Centre for Alumni Relations and Corporate Affairs)
Dr. H. Jane Helena, Ph.D
Professor & Director (Centre for Alumni Relations and Corporate Affairs)
International Conferences
Abdifitah Adan, H. Jane Helena, ‘Behaviour of Concrete Encased Composite Members under Elevated Temperatures’, Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMS-2022), National Institute of Technology Calicut Kerala, December 14-20, 2022.
P. Prathebha, Jane Helena H (2018),Finite element Study on Corrugated Web Steel Girders with Cutouts, International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering (5th ICAMSME 2018).
P. Prathebha, Jane Helena H. (2017),Corrugated Web Steel Girders - A state of the Art Review, International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment (ITSBE 17).
B. Anand Balaji, Jane Helena H (2014),A Fuzzy Approach to Construction Project Risk Managament, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Engineering and Technology (ICETSET - 2014).
M. Arumugam, Jane Helena H (2014),Impact on Material Management on Productivity, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Engineering and Technology (ICETSET - 2014).
R. Karthikeyan, Jane Helena H (2013),Risk Analysis of Construction Projects, International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes (ICEMAP-2013).
Gajalakshmi P, Jane Helena H (2012),“Experimental Behaviour of SFRC In-filled Steel circular columns under Axial Compression, 10th International Conference on Advances in Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures.
Santhosh Kumar S, Jane Helena H (2011),Investigation on the Behaviour of Corrugated Web Steel Beams, International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ICSEE-2011).
Jane Helena H, Samuel Knight G M (2008),Behaviour of cold-formed Steel Hollow Columns under eccentric loading, 5th International Conference on Thin-walled Structures (ICTWS-08).
Jane Helena H , Samuel Knight G M (2007),Investigation on the Behaviour of Cold-formed Steel Hollow Columns, Third Structural Engineers World Congress (SEWC-2007).
Jayakumar G, Jane Helena H, Samuel Knight G.M (2004),Behaviour of Cold-formed Steel Box Columns, International Conference on Advances in Structural Integrity (ICASI – 2004)- 14th to 17th July 2004, DS- C45.