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Dr. H. Jane Helena, Ph.D

Professor & Director (Centre for Alumni Relations and Corporate Affairs)

Dr. H. Jane Helena, Ph.D

Professor & Director (Centre for Alumni Relations and Corporate Affairs)

International Conferences

  • Abdifitah Adan, H. Jane Helena, ‘Behaviour of Concrete Encased Composite Members under Elevated Temperatures’, Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMS-2022), National Institute of Technology Calicut Kerala, December 14-20, 2022.
  • P. Prathebha, Jane Helena H (2018),Finite element Study on Corrugated Web Steel Girders with Cutouts, International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering (5th ICAMSME 2018).
  • P. Prathebha, Jane Helena H. (2017),Corrugated Web Steel Girders - A state of the Art Review, International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment (ITSBE 17).
  • B. Anand Balaji, Jane Helena H (2014),A Fuzzy Approach to Construction Project Risk Managament, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Engineering and Technology (ICETSET - 2014).
  • M. Arumugam, Jane Helena H (2014),Impact on Material Management on Productivity, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Engineering and Technology (ICETSET - 2014).
  • R. Karthikeyan, Jane Helena H (2013),Risk Analysis of Construction Projects, International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes (ICEMAP-2013).
  • Gajalakshmi P, Jane Helena H (2012),“Experimental Behaviour of SFRC In-filled Steel circular columns under Axial Compression, 10th International Conference on Advances in Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures.
  • Santhosh Kumar S, Jane Helena H (2011),Investigation on the Behaviour of Corrugated Web Steel Beams, International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ICSEE-2011).
  • Jane Helena H, Samuel Knight G M (2008),Behaviour of cold-formed Steel Hollow Columns under eccentric loading, 5th International Conference on Thin-walled Structures (ICTWS-08).
  • Jane Helena H , Samuel Knight G M (2007),Investigation on the Behaviour of Cold-formed Steel Hollow Columns, Third Structural Engineers World Congress (SEWC-2007).
  • Jayakumar G, Jane Helena H, Samuel Knight G.M (2004),Behaviour of Cold-formed Steel Box Columns, International Conference on Advances in Structural Integrity (ICASI – 2004)- 14th to 17th July 2004, DS- C45.